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Rill - Universal web application framework - Interview with Dylan Piercey

There’s a lot of talk about universal web applications but developing them tends to be harder than it might sound. You will have to worry about the differences between environments, and you will find problems you might not have anticipated.

To understand the topic better, I’m interviewing Dylan Piercey, the author of Rill, a framework designed to address this particular problem.

Can you tell a bit about yourself?

Dylan Piercey

I like to tinker. As a kid, I enjoyed modding video games and got into programming when I was 12 years old. I’ve programmed professionally for about four years now and fell in love with the massive community behind web development.

Open source software has been my peaceful haven since I learned git. For me, programming is fun, especially on my terms, and FOSS is exactly that.

How would you describe Rill to someone who has never heard of it?

Rill is my two-year-old baby. In JavaScript terms that means it’s just turned 21. Jokes aside Rill is a tool that allows you to learn fewer tools. It is Koa designed and optimized from the ground up to work in the browser.

So how does this help? Well, first of all, you get one router for both the browser and Node, meaning you can drop react-router and Koa.

Secondly, you also get to think of building web applications as if you have a zero latency node server in every user’s browser. With this, you can quickly create fault-tolerant, progressively-enhanced websites with minimal effort.

Finally, it is a flexible abstraction, just like it is on the server-side already in Express and Koa. With Rill I have been able to replace many tools including Redux. It also supports many different rendering engines with more on the way. Rill also plays nicely with all of the other libraries making upgrading a bit easier.

How does Rill work?

Depends on where you look. Rill on the server-side is more or less a rip-off of Koa with some careful forethought, but in the browser things get interesting.

In the browser, Rill works by intercepting all <a> clicks and <form> submissions and pumping them through a browser-side router with the same API as on the server-side. It supports pretty much anything you can think of including cookies, redirects and sessions, all isomorphically implemented (i.e. on both the server and browser).

There are a few huge wins here. For instance, you don’t have to use any particular <Link> tags or similar and you aren’t tied to React. The server-side also doesn’t need to do anything fancy to handle links and forms. Lastly, you already know how links and forms work, so just use them.

If you’d like to take a look at Rill’s link/form hijacking logic it has been separated out into @rill/http, making the main Rill repository completely universal!

How does Rill differ from other solutions?

It provides a unified router. While developing universal applications, I often found myself writing routes twice. As if that wasn’t bad enough the syntax for the routers were often vastly different - try comparing react-router with Express and you’ll see what I mean.

Rill aims to simplify that and provides a consistent routing interface between the server and browser. It also works perfectly fine as a standalone router in either one.

Take for instance the following example:

import rill from 'rill'
import bodyMiddleware from '@rill/body'
import reactMiddleware from '@rill/react'

// Setup app.
const app = rill()

// Use isomomorphic React renderer.

// Use an isomorphic form-data / body parser.

// Register our form page route as normal.
app.get('/my-form-page', ({ req, res })=> {
 res.body = <MyForm/>

// Setup our post route.'/my-form-submit', ({ req, res })=> {
  // Analyze the response body (works in node and the browser).
  req.body //-> { email: ... }
  // Perform the business logic (typically calling some api).
  // Finally, take the user somewhere meaningful.

// Start app.
app.listen({ port: 3000 })

// Simple full page react component with a form.
function MyForm (props) {
  return (
        <title>My App</title>
        <form action="/my-form-submit" method="POST">
          Email: <input name="email">
          <button type="submit">Subscribe</button>

        <script src="/app.js"/>

Notice how similar this looks to the server only code. You get to use middleware and routing in a way you probably already know. However, the above example when compiled with webpack, Rollup, or Browserify will also work in the browser!

For a more detailed example check out the TodoMVC implementation with React and Rill.

Why did you develop Rill?

I’ve built 20+ websites and applications all of which needed strong SEO and proper fallbacks for our users using legacy browsers. It became a constant struggle to enhance content for modern browsers while maintaining support for older ones.

Rather than building a server-side solution and then rebuilding a client side solution my goal was to make a framework that allowed me to do both at once. It was originally inspired by koa-client and monorouter, and it turned out to be a robust solution.

What next?

Well, that’s largely up to what I build next and what the community requires. Rill has been pretty stable for the past year. Most of the major work has caused no breaking changes.

One of the more recent changes is that Rill is now able to run in a service worker, which I think could be interesting for offloading the router to another thread.

Another thing that I have meant to explore is a creating a Rill middleware that works similarly to ViralJS allowing for distributed rendering of applications.

Something that’s been in the back of my head for a while now is making Rill work on other platforms. The code has been formatted in such a way that the document logic has all been extracted into a single file, but I have limited experience with native applications and need a kick to get me going on this front.

For Rill the future is hard to see. I’ve mentioned some obvious features above, but the point of it, as with any router, is to be flexible. Rill in my eyes is a foundation for isomorphic/universal apps and what I’ve built with it so far is only the tip of the iceberg.

In general, I think that things are going to get simpler, faster and smaller. It never seems that way while I’m riding the wave of JavaScript frameworks, but at the same time things are constantly popping up like svelte and choo, which are all considerably simpler than their predecessors and also faster and smaller.

However, the main reason I think this is the case is that the web will eventually bake in much more of the functionality that is needed for modern applications such as web components. I think the abstractions will get lighter and lighter until they fade away.

At least I hope this trend continues. 😜

What advice would you give to programmers getting into web development?

Make a GitHub/Twitter account and follow everyone who’s doing something cool. You have teachers all around you, and excellent open source software sets a standard to which you can eventually live up to.

Don’t sweat the stuff you don’t know but try to be aware of it. Learn things when you need them and actively search out new solutions when you find that yours are lacking.

Find something fun to build. It’s far too easy for your day job to ruin programming for you. Try to find genuinely interesting and fun things and work on them when you have time.

Who should I interview next?

I’d love to hear more from Patrick Steele-Idem on all of the crazy optimizations available with MarkoJS and where the team thinks it’s going. I hope a stable Rill integration is coming soon. 😄

I’m also constantly impressed by the quality of modules pumped out by Yoshua Wuyts and would be interested in his approach to building them.

Any last remarks?

Rill is a lesser-known tool and I am always eager to receive community feedback. If anyone has any questions or just wants to chat, you can always find me on the gitter.

Thanks SurviveJS for the interview and Rich Harris for the recommendation.


Thanks for the interview Dylan! The approach Rill uses is refreshing and I hope people find it.

Check out Rill site and Rill GitHub page to learn more about it.
