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SurviveJS Euro Summer Tour 2017


It’s time for another tour. This time around I’ll be focusing on training. I have material specifically for webpack and React and this will be a good excuse to improve my book offerings while at it. I’ve found working on training material forces you to think carefully and this work flows back to writing.

This time around I’ll spend time particularly in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, and the United Kingdom. I’ll spend a few weeks at Vienna and there’s room in the schedule.

31.5-12.6 - Košice, Slovakia

I’ll start the tour from Košice and I’ll be offering at least two sessions there, one of which will be public.

12.6-14.6 - Prague, Czech Republic

I get to spend a day at Prague, one of my favorite cities in Europe. I don’t have any specific plans yet but I might go and see some Mucha art.

14.6-18.6 - Berlin, Germany

Most of my time in Berlin has been reserved by a client but I’ll have time especially on 14th, 17th, and 18th.

18.6-2.7 - Vienna, Austria

I’ll spend most of my time in Vienna. This is actually a good time for you to book me as it’s easy to reach places from there. In the worst case I get some vacation time in a great city!

2.7-10.7 - Augsburg, Germany

The purpose of the Augsburg week is to focus on training through a local partner.

10.7-15.7 - London, UK

I’ll participate FullStack 2017 as an invited speaker. I’ll have a short, two hour workshop on 14th based on Webpack - From Apprentice to Master material.


Compared to the previous tour this one will be more relaxed and I’ll have more time available. The earlier experience will come in handy this time around and I’ll be open to opportunities!

If you are interested in my services, please check out my training offering. You can also try to invite me to your meetup if we can find some interesting topic and you are willing to cover associated costs.
